ELS Annual Conference and AGM held

April 2, 2022

On Saturday 2 April 2022, the ELS held its annual conference and AGM.

Annual General Meeting

The topic of the conference was Accidents of Ecclesiastical Governance: Past, Present and Future?, and it took place at St Alban’s Church, Holborn. The Society is grateful to the Vicar, Fr Christopher Smith, for hosting us at the church.

The day began with a fascinating lecture by Professor Norman Doe on the historical development of the Church of England’s constitution, especially in the writings of the church’s lawyers. Later in the morning, the Rt Revd Pete Broadbent brought things up to date with stimulating reflections on the current workings of General Synod, and some thought-provoking questions and proposals. To both these papers, and throughout the day, the Revd Professor Alison Milbank provided insightful theological responses and reflection.

Day Conference 2022

After lunch, the Society held its AGM, chaired by Elizabeth Wilson, chair of the ELS. The Revd Paul Benfield was elected as treasurer, and the Rt Revd Martin Warner as vice-chair. Elected as trustees were the Worshipful Ruth Arlow, the Ven Moira Astin, Paul Barber, the Revd Stephen Coleman, and Frances Godden.

A wide-ranging plenary session followed, chaired by the Society’s President, the Rt Revd Christopher Hill, with shorter papers and contributions from the floor.

The day concluded with Choral Evensong in church, sung by St Alban’s choir.

It is expected that a full report of the day will be published in the Society’s Journal in due course. Many thanks are due to all the speakers and those involved in planning the day so effectively.

Choral Evensong at St Alban’s Holborn