Wales and the ecclesiastical exemption: consultation
April 16, 2018
Cadw has issued a consultation on:
- the draft Ecclesiastical Exemption (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Order 2018;
- draft best-practice guidance, Managing Change to Historic Places of Worship in Wales: the Ecclesiastical Exemption; and
- draft best-practice guidance, Managing Scheduled Monuments in Wales.
The main changes proposed to the ecclesiastical exemption are:
- removal of the exemption for conservation area consent;
- removal of the United Reformed Church from the exempt denominations (which is being done at the request of the URC); and
- clarification regarding the buildings covered by the exemption to eliminate occasions when both secular and denominational consents are needed.
The new guidance on the ecclesiastical exemption has been prepared to support denominations in their use of the exemption. It may also be useful for local planning authorities and congregations and for denominations and faith groups interested in seeking the ecclesiastical exemption in the future.
Managing Scheduled Monuments in Wales has been produced as a further element in the series published in conjunction with the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016. Aimed primarily at owners, occupiers and managers of scheduled monuments, it explains what it means to own a scheduled monument and how to care for it and sets out the general principles to consider when managing and making changes to scheduled monuments. It also explains how to apply for scheduled monument consent, including the respective roles and responsibilities of owners and Cadw, and provides details about where to get further help and assistance.
The consultation will close on Friday 13 July. Responses can be made online at, by e-mail to or by post to: Regulations and Guidance Consultation 3, Legislation and Policy Team, Cadw, Welsh Government, Plas Carew, Unit 5/7 Cefn Coed Parc, Nantgarw, CARDIFF CF15 7QQ.