Public Law Wales webinar: The Church in Wales a Century On

January 17, 2021

Public Law Wales has announced a webinar in co-operation with the Welsh Legal History Society, which the Ecclesiastical Law Society is pleased to advertise:

The Church in Wales a Century On – the Disestablished Church and the Devolved Constitution

Thursday 28th January 2021 at 17:30

Delivered by

The Right Worshipful Morag Ellis QC, Dean of the Arches and Auditor


Professor Thomas Glyn Watkin QC (hc) (Welsh Legal History Society)


Matthew Chinery (Head of Legal Services, Representative Body of the Church in Wales)


In June 2020, Morag Ellis QC was appointed as the Dean of the Arches and Auditor and Master of Faculties. As such, she is the senior ecclesiastical judge in England and the statutory regulator, under the Legal Services Act 2007, of Notaries in England, Wales, the Channel Islands and parts of the Commonwealth. Morag will discuss her work as the Dean of the Arches and Auditor and Master of Faculties.

Professor Thomas Glyn Watkin QC (hc) is an ordained priest in the Church in Wales and was Legal Assistant to its Governing Body from 1981 until 1998. He was First Legislative Counsel to the Welsh Government from 2007 until 2010, and had previously been Professor of Law at Bangor (2004–2007), where he founded the Law School, and at Cardiff (2001–2004). Professor Watkin will address the history and present context of law-making with regards to the Church in Wales.

Matthew Chinery is the General Counsel and Head of Legal Services at the Church in Wales, having previously been a Senior Associate Solicitor at Winckworth Sherwood LLP and the Diocesan Registrar to the Dioceses of Chichester and St Albans in the Church of England. Matthew will discuss how the disestablishment settlement and the ‘vestiges of establishment’ continues to affect legal governance within the Church in Wales and its relationship with Welsh society today.