Principles of Canon Law 2nd edition launched at the Lambeth Conference 2022
August 8, 2022
The 2nd edition of The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion was launched on 5 August 2022 at the Lambeth Conference. Bishops from around the Communion attended the event which was hosted by the Rt Revd Vicentia Kgabe, Bishop of Lesotho.
As host Bishop, Bishop Vicentia introduced proceedings. Professor Norman Doe, Director of the Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff University Law School explained the history and background of the Principles. Darren Oliver, Legal Adviser to the Anglican Consultative Council, spoke of their use in the Communion and commended them to those present for study and for the further building up of Anglican bonds. The Ven Dr Will Adam, Archdeacon of Canterbury, talked about their use in ecumenism, especially on the global scale. The Revd Russell Dewhurst, Communications Officer of the ELS and CLR fellow, said a few words about the revision process. After a time of questions and discussion, the new edition was formally launched and the evening concluded.
Many members of the ELS made a contribution to this edition of the Principles, through the international reading groups organized in 2021 which provided the legal evidence used by the revision committee in drafting the revisions. The Society itself also funded the production of an index for this edition. Thanks are due to Winckworth Sherwood, who kindly sponsored the refreshments, The Episcopal Church, which funded the production of sufficient printed copies for the attending bishops, and the University of Kent Lambeth Conference staff who organized everything so efficiently.
The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion is published by the Anglican Consultative Council, and the new edition reflects the fruitful collaboration between the ACC, the ELS and the Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff University Law School.
A new, permanent page has been added to the ELS website, hosting the PDF of the Principles and links to connected research materials. Visit the Principles of Canon Law resources page.