24 January 2023, 17:30 - 19:00

The Revd Dr W. Becket Soule OP will speak at this online lecture on “The Recognition of Orders by the Roman Catholic Church.” The Roman Catholic Church has recognised the ordination of clergy from other churches in various ways over the centuries. Beginning with the sanation of ordinations at the Union of Brest in 1596, this lecture will review the varied, and frequently contradictory, ways the Catholic Church has dealt with the clergy of other churches who have sought full communion with it, such as by absolute and conditional re-ordination, simple recognition, and other ways. As a point of reference, the practice of the (American) Episcopal Church in accepting clergy in “historic succession” and entire parishes of the Catholic Church into full communion will be reviewed. The presentation will conclude with local attempts at mutual recognition between the Catholic Church and other churches.
Becket Soule has taught classical languages, law, and history at the Catholic University of America, the Dominican House of Studies (Washington, DC), the Pontifical College Josephinum (Columbus, OH), and Oxford University, and retired as Professor of Canon Law at St Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario. He has been visiting lecturer and fellow at other institutions of higher studies in the United States, Great Britain, and the Ukraine, and has served as an official of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches in Rome, and as Judicial Vicar and Episcopal Vicar of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter in the United States and Canada; Becket has also served Anglican and Catholic parishes in Texas, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and England. He is now pastor of St Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church in Maggie Valley, NC.
This Zoom lecture is open to members and non-members and is free of charge. Booking through this website closes 24 hours before the event. Please book using the form below. The day before the event, Zoom invitations will be sent out by email to those who have booked.
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