Lyndwood Lecture 2022 – ‘Clergy Discipline in the Catholic Church’ by the Revd James Conn SJ

22 March 2022, 18:30 - 20:00

The Parish Church at All Hallows' by the Tower
Byward Street, London EC3R 5BJ

Lyndwood Lecture 2022
Hosted by the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Clergy Discipline in the Catholic Church: Highlights of the new penal law of the Code of Canon Law
Given by the Revd James Conn SJ, Superior of the Casa Santa Maria in Rome.

NEW: Arrangements have now been made for this year’s Lyndwood Lecture, taking place in London, to be livestreamed. The lecture will be free to attend online, and to attend online you do not need to book. Simply click on this link at 6:30pm on 22 March to join the Livestream: Questions for the speaker can be submitted by those watching online using Twitter hashtag #lyndwood2022.

James J. Conn, S.J. is a native of Philadelphia, and since 1974 has been a priest of the Maryland (since 2020 USA East) Province of the Society of Jesus. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and Superior of the Casa Santa Maria, the residence for postgraduate student priests of the Pontifical North American College. After serving for 12 years as Ordinary Professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, where he earned his doctorate, Father Conn was named Professor of the Practice of Canon Law at the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College and St. John’s Seminary, Brighton MA. He is a consultor of the Holy See’s Congregation for the Clergy. Prior to his assignments in Rome he was a teacher and administrator at several Jesuit-sponsored secondary schools and universities in the United States and praeses of the ecclesiastical faculty of theology at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore and dean of its School of Theology. He serves as a canonical advisor to episcopal conferences, diocesan bishops, and institutes of consecrated life. A graduate of Fordham Law School, he has been a member of the Bar in Maryland and the District of Columbia.

The Lyndwood Lecture is a biennial event, established in 1996, and organised alternately by the Ecclesiastical Law Society and the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland, takes its name from William Lyndwood (1375-1446), sometime bishop of St David’s, a distinguished diplomat and canonist, most noted for the publication of the Provinciale, an early authoritative commentary on canon law.

The cost to attend is £15 for members of the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland or the Ecclesiastical Law Society and their guests. The cost for non-members and their guests has now been reduced so that it is also £15. There will be a drinks reception after the lecture. Please register and pay using the form below (bookings will close if the venue capacity is reached, or by 8pm on 16 March 2022).


Bookings are not available on this site.

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