You couldn’t make it up! Good Governance in Parochial Ministry

28 April 2022, 16:00 - 18:00


The current Church of England Church Representation Rules 2020 became effective during the pandemic and the ELS is offering a twilight session to help you think through the challenges and importance of good governance in parochial ministry and make sure you are ready for your APCM. This event is open to anyone involved in governance in our parishes – clergy, churchwardens, PCC secretaries, registrars, diocesan staff, trainers etc.

Led by members of the ELS Training Sub-committee Team including:

  • Simon Baker, Chair of ELS Training Sub-committee
  • Norman Boakes, Secretary, ELS Training Sub-committee
  • Andrea Russell, Director of Ministry, Diocese of Oxford
  • Louise Connacher, Provincial Registrar, Province of York and Diocesan Registrar, Dioceses of York and Sodor and Man.

We will be considering:

  • Good order as a fundamental part of our vocation
  • The Church Representation Rules 2020 including recent changes
  • PCC members as charity trustees

This Zoom lecture is open to members and non-members and is free of charge. Booking through this website closes 24 hours before the event. Please book using the form below. The evening before the event, Zoom invitations will be sent out by email to those who have booked.


Bookings are not available on this site.