12 March 2025, 14:00 - 15:00

The ELS is very pleased to host this webinar on behalf of the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS). ICLARS is an international network of scholars and experts of law and religion. It was founded in 2007.
The predominant focus for law and religion scholarship is usually the impact of state laws upon religious organisations. Often overlooked are the laws which Churches create for themselves. This webinar will address Anglican Canon Law, a topic which is frequently misunderstood and misrepresented, de-mythologising its nature, sources and functioning. It will explore the structure of the Anglican Communion as a loose federation of autonomous national or regional Churches, the so-called Instruments of Unity which seek to hold the uneasy tension between member Provinces, and the lack of any global juridical or enforcement provisions. It will examine lawmaking in the Anglican Communion, particularly the creation and amendment of Constitutions and Canons, and will tell the story of the drafting of Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion, advocating their utility in the promotion of ecumenism.
The panel will comprise the Reverend Russell Dewhurst, Chair of the Anglican Communion Legal Advisers Network, the Right Reverend Dr Vicentia Refiloe Kgabe, Bishop of Diocese of Lesotho in the Anglican Church of South Africa, and the Venerable Alan Perry, General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Canada. This webinar will be hosted by the Ecclesiastical Law Society, and chaired by Professor Mark Hill KC.
This Zoom seminar is open to all and is free of charge.
Booking through this website closes 24 hours before the event. Please book using the form below. The day before the event, Zoom invitations will be sent out by email to those who have booked.
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