Day Conference: Gospel and Law in Theological Education

17 March 2018, 10:30 - 16:00

St Bride Foundation
Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London EC47 8EQ

The Ecclesiastical Law Society is holding its Day Conference at the St Bride Foundation, Fleet Street. Registration and refreshments from 9.45 am.

The Conference will focus on the core function of the Society, namely promoting education in ecclesiastical law. In particular, it will address the training of clergy and others in ecclesiastical law, and showcase best practice in selected topics. Speakers will include:

The Revd Dr Andrea Russell, Queen’s Foundation Birmingham, who practised as a solicitor before ordination and has recently published her PhD on Richard Hooker. Andrea will outline the context for church law education in the wider setting of ordination training, and the need for clergy to be aware of the legal framework of their ministry.

Stephen Borton, Ecclesiastical Manager, Lee Bolton Monier-Williams

The Ven Simon Baker, Chair of the Ecclesiastical Law Society’s Education Sub-committee

Sue de Candole, Registrar of the Dioceses of Winchester and Salisbury

Download the full programme for the Day Conference

The cost is £55 to members of the Ecclesiastical Law Society (£65 non-members). You do not have to be a member, or have login details for this site, to book a place at this event. Simply complete the left-hand column below with your booking details.


Bookings are not available on this site.

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