CTE seminar on “Juridical Ecumenism: A New Approach to Church Unity”

April 29, 2019

Churches Together in England (CTE) is hosting a seminar on Thursday 20 June 2019 from 11.30 am to 3.00 pm at its office, 27 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HH.

The seminar, Juridical Ecumenism: A New Approach to Church Unity, will explore ways in which church law, rules and conventions might converge to deepen ecumenical endeavours. It will focus on the work done so far by the Christian Law Project and, in particular, it will report on the Principles of Christian Law already published in the Ecclesiastical Law Journal, which demonstrate wide ecumenical convergence. It will also explore with English Churches the ways in which juridical ecumenism might contribute to unity and mission. The speakers will be the Revd Dr Paul Goodliff, General Secretary of CTE and the Baptist member of the panel that developed the Principles, and Professor Norman Doe and Professor Mark Hill QC (who need no introduction).

The full programme is here. The cost is £25.00, to include refreshments and lunch. Spaces are limited, so early booking is advised. Book here.