Consultation on the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules

June 14, 2018

The Faculty Jurisdiction Rule Committee has made the following announcement:

‘The 2015 Faculty Jurisdiction Rules were introduced with the intention of simplifying faculty procedures and reducing the burden of administration in areas where it was not serving a useful purpose. We did this by introducing lists of matters that could be done either without a faculty or, in some cases, following approval by the Archdeacon. These lists, known as List A and List B, can be found here.

Now we have over two years’ experience of working with the 2015 Rules, the Rule Committee is ready to consider revisions to them. The main interest of the revision will be to increase simplification by adding items to List A and List B. There is also scope for simplification of the Rules more generally.

Links to the Rules and the associated statutory guidance can be found here.

We are now seeking your views on the current Rules and those items on List A and List B.

To help you plan your answers we have provided a PDF of all the questions, which is available here

Please click on the link below to complete the survey:

The consultation will end on Monday 6 August. 

What happens next?

After the consultation closes, all the responses will be carefully considered and summarized for consideration by Rule Committee between November 2018 and February 2019. Following this, amended Faculty Rules will be going to General Synod for consideration in July 2019.

The consultation invitation is on the ChurchCare website.’