Report of the first ELS Archdeacons’ Training Day
December 3, 2020
As Advent began, the Ecclesiastical Law Society was delighted to partner with the Diocese of London in delivering a training day on Ecclesiastical Law for Archdeacons. Organised by the Bishop of Willesden, Mark Hill QC and the Revd Stephen Coleman, over thirty bishops, archdeacons and facilitators were in attendance not just from the diocese of London but from across the Church of England. The programme included seminars from leading practitioners on Parochial Visitations, the Faculty System, Patronage and Suspension of Presentation, and Clergy Discipline.
Taking place on 30 November 2020, the day was the first of its kind and was very much a ‘tasting menu.’ It also offered an opportunity for those in attendance to feedback their thoughts on more focussed training in ecclesiastical law in the future. The Society looks forward to developing this in collaboration with Cameron Watt, the Archdeacons’ National Development Officer (who was also in attendance), as the Society continues to deliver on its charitable purpose of education in ecclesiastical law.